Friday, July 10, 2015

Hey guys!

Hey guys! Just wanted to give you all a little look into my plans for the fall/spring of 2015-2016.

So I will be attending the University of North Georgia in Gainesville in order to live at home next school year. I'll be taking 18 hours of classes on Monday Wednesday and Friday that start at 8:00am and end at 8:00pm. So those will be full days of classes. The other 2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) I plan to continue working where I am now where my hours would be 8:00-6:00. So my schedule is pretty booked. I plan to continue volunteering as a middle school small group leader and elementary school volunteer at my church. I will also be helping with FCA at my former high school a few mornings a week, and in the spring will start as the junior varsity tennis coach. All this to say, my life gets crazy in August!

As many of you may already know, I'm planning to transfer from North Georgia in the summer of 2016 and attend a private college. More than likely Shorter University in Rome, Georgia. There I plan to major in athletic training and minor in Christian leadership. With that I will begin full time missions in Latin America. I don't know what exactly it looks like at this point, whether it's a commitment for a time or for life..things like that. This is something that Lane and I have been praying through and are continuing to pray for Gods guidance in this.

One thing I would love if you guys could be in prayer for as the school year nears, is an open door to be involved with a ministry through my church. I can't explain completely just yet because I don't even know all the details of it! But if you guys could be in prayer for that and if it's something God has for me that it would be clear and if not that the door would be shut.

I know most of you (especially if you've recently graduated) have heard and probably know by heart Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a hope and a future. But I want to give you the next verse because that one is just as powerful as this one. Jeremiah 29:12-13 says "then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart"

Jeremiah 29:12-13 is such a great reminder that God is always faithful. That whenever we call upon Him, He is always there to provide what we need. One of the most amazing things about that though is most of the time it's not what we expected. He doesn't work off of our expectations. For example, let's say our car is old and has a ton of problems and breaks down all the time and we just know one day soon it won't start at the worst possible time, but we don't have the funds to invest in a new car right now. So a lot of times in trusting God to provide we think "okay God I'm trusting you to provide me with a brand new car" and then in the back of our minds were thinking wow I hope it's a 2015 Ford Mustang! But in reality we end up finding a small car that's been used and affordable, but it gets us from point A to point B. What happens though is we can miss Gods provision for our needs because we were so focused and looking for the new car, we missed God providing for the need, which was some way to get where we needed to go. So I would just encourage you guys, give whatever situation you have to Christ, but truly give it all to Him. He wants your entire heart, not just compartments of it. He's the only one capable of hold our heart. And He has proven to me and to Lane time and time again His faithfulness and provision, if we just trust Him and His plan and not our own.

We love you guys and are here for you in any way we can be. Feel free to email us anytime, we want to be able to specifically pray for you and whatever may be going on in life right now. Thank you for your amazing love and support!

- Watson

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hi friends!

Hi friends!  This is Lane :) 

I want to thank you for visiting Watson's and my blog today and for your support of our walks up until this point.  We are both pumped to get going with it!  As we mentioned in our first post, I will be spending nine months (September-May) in El Salvador with an awesome program called Global Year.  This organization is based here in Atlanta, but sends students to many different countries where they are immersed into that particular country's culture, learn the native language, and essentially dedicate a year away from America to serve the Lord.  I heard about the program through my sweet friend, Courtney, and began praying about this opportunity that I believed that God may have had for me September of my junior year of high school.  As time went on and through much prayer, I felt this gap year weighing more and more heavily on my heart.  I'll never forget pitching the idea of Global Year to my mom and dad.  As my parents say now, God definitely took a little while longer to bring their hearts to the same place as mine (lol).  However,  I'm so thankful to say that He has revealed Himself in this next step to each of them since that fall and to have their full support in this decision.  God has demonstrated His faithfulness time and time again and is continuing to do so in these final weeks leading up to August 28th.  

Thus says the Lord, "let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts, boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth.  For in these things I delight, declares the Lord."
Jeremiah 9:23-24

These verses have been a cornerstone for me since I committed to serving in El Salvador this upcoming year.  God shows us a glimpse of His character in these verses as He commands any of us who boasts, to boast in this one thing - that we understand and know Him.  To me, this year is about knowing Him better.  I want to be able to boast in the fact that I understand Him and His will for my life.  I desire to know Him fully as I serve Him and the people of El Salvador this year.  

Another huge way that God has demonstrated His faithfulness in my life the past year is in the relationship He's given me with my best friend.  Thinking about and preparing for nine months apart hasn't been easy by any means.  However, we are both confident of this - that all of our hope is in Him alone.  He is almighty and all knowing.  God calls us His sons and daughters.  We have been purchased at the greatest price possible, and He claims us as His own.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  With these promises in mind, we can walk confidently into whatever and to wherever He leads us in the future.  We believe that for us, that is together, and we're excited to continue our walks, though in different countries, trusting in that.  

Thank you for your support and prayer as we step into this exciting new chapter!  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Watson and Lane 7/7/15

Hey guys!  
We are so glad you have decided to check out our blog!  As many of you know, the next nine months will look a little different in our lives as far as what God is doing and what our relationship will look like.  Lane will be spending nine months in El Salvador with an organization called Global Year and Watson will be attending the University of North Georgia.  We have decided to start this blog as a way for you to keep up with all that God is doing in our lives individually as well as together.  We hope this will serve as an encouragement to each of you who read.  Lane will be leaving August 28th to begin her journey in El Salvador, so we will begin our individual posts then.  Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to effectively document and share all that God is doing in us as He continues to work and grow us towards Him.  We also hope for any that are struggling with whatever it may be, that God will use this blog to encourage you by seeing Him move.  Lane and I want to make ourselves as available as we possibly can be to serve each of you in any way possible.  We have set up an email address (the address is at the bottom of this post) that anyone is more than welcome to send us an email at.  We hope you will do so, so that we can communicate with you and pray for you in any way possible. 

Philippians 1:4-6 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

These verses have been ones that we have held to in preparation for these nine months apart.  These verses give us confidence that what Christ has begun in us, He will complete.  We learn just from these verses that God is so faithful to us no matter what it may be.  What God begins, He finishes.  He doesn't stop halfway through or quit on anything.  This is something we can hope in.  That though our circumstances may seem otherwise, God is faithful to complete the work He began.  What is amazing about this letter is that Paul is writing this from prison.  And in his prison cell, he is able to pray and encourage his audience to take confidence and hope in the fact that Christ is faithful to complete what He starts in us - His promise of eternal life through His son Jesus.  We believe this can also be applied to our lives today.  Our salvation is a promise He is faithful to keep.  For us personally, we believe that the work He has begun in our hearts for one another, He will be faithful to complete.  We also believe that He will never leave or forsake us.  If we learn to trust Him and not our plans or desires we can begin living in the true confidence that Paul desires the people of Philippi to have in Christ. 
We love you guys!